This Mortal Coil
My father died last Sunday at age 73, and we’re burying him tomorrow. As a good friend who had also suddenly and unexpectedly lost a...

The Buggy Whip Companies About To Be Undone by Cloud Computing
Most of you have probably heard the buggy whip metaphor - the (completely fair) comparison between those tools used to prod horses that...

Structured for Growth - "Product"
A relatively new term used in growth technology companies, particularly those with a software focus, is “Product" - a combination of...

Rochester's Rising
Such a buzz in Rochester these days! New restaurants are opening (anyone else tried Bitter Honey yet?), cultural institutions are...

Rural Rising
Something big happened a few years ago, and very few of us noticed. Public policy, uniquely aligned between both major political...

Walmart's Big Problem, and what this could mean for retail
I won't sugarcoat it: I just had the worst eCommerce/Brick & Mortar combo experience of my life. So I'd like to tell my story here, with...

Of hunting and time
A few weeks ago, I departed for the Canadian wilderness on my first hunting trip, and anyone that knows me knows I kind of like to think...

It Took a Village - How I Got Stuck Off-Roading and Unstuck my Thinking
Last weekend, I went off-roading, and even though I had no intention of thinking about business, life, or lessons, I ended up with one of...

How to buy a company - 5 buy-side M&A pitfalls to avoid
In my last post about how to sell a company, I wrote about seven strategies to get a deal done, but promised a follow-up about the...

How to sell a company - 7 sell-side M&A tips to get to a close
In the past 15 years, I've been on one side or the other of 7 M&A transactions, and in this blog post (about selling a company) and the...